I was just thinking what brought me up on this beautiful Sunday afternoon to pen down the 'celebrations of life'.. Well, please allow me to unfold the stroy on a slow note:-). Been busy as usual with work, and the holidays were just appearing on calendars.. Namesake, thats is..But then, the brighter sides of life bring folks up to speed; thanks to this beautiful summer in Basel, where the day ends just a couple hours before mid-night:-)
I have never seen such a vibrant life and society than this unruffled town in summer. Just step out to the banks of river Rhein on a Friday evening, and you would see the real celebrations of life.. Families come packed up with light evening snacks to giant sandwiches for dinner.. Cans of beers (and hot for those who would prefer to be a little pepped up), and an endless array of mineral water bottles.. The adults settle on the beautifully carved pavements on the banks, while the kids play around.. Filmy like romantic scenes unfold everywhere, couples, lovers:-)
The adventure seekers prefer to wind surf, or hire a cannoe and explore the much deeper waters far off the banks.. Fishing rods are on rent and you could lay your hands on them anytime.. A number of small time eateries on either side of the banks sell baby hot dogs to giant grilled sandwiches.. Fitness freaks jog, and the runners preparing for the upcoming Basel half marathon keep their nerves up for yet another rigour.. The straight tracks on the banks take you to the much visited Three Countries Corner, where Germany, Switzerland and France borders meet..
And this completes the celebrations of life; eat, drink, and have fun, as if the day is never gonna come back, and even if it does, it is not going to be the same..What a wonderul philosophy! Take each day as it comes, and enjoy life! Sorrows and miseries are bound to be there, but then this is life and we gotta face them!
On a sign off note, the beautfiul summers would not wait for anyone, they just pass by, parting way for the monster winter:-)