Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The winter evenings are quite mundane these days. The slightly capricious weather makes it all the more exciting:-) I was on a fiesta - siesta combo at four in the evening, half asleep, and partly contemplating future; the Christmas week with my planned holidays, and our trip to Mammoth Lake the week before Christmas. Excitement galore and an old paper back from Robin Sharma provided the right feel to slip off to sleep. Someone patted not so gently on my back, and broke me off my reverie!

"Dad.. Is it okay if I disturb you for a minute?" It was my son, taking a break from his non-stop fun with that Netflix thing on a lazy Saturday evening.

"Err.. No dear.. It's okay. BTW, do you need to get onto my laptop, and I should log you in?"

"Oh no.. I just have a question.. and I am done in a minute."

Well.. that sounds good. I love kids when they have questions to ask, more and more of them, weird and mundane and thought provoking at times! And was thinking about the last one he posed off reminding me of the NatGeo bee thing. But my Geography, and stepping a bit up, and knowledge on the fauna and flora of hitherto un-visited places is very limited. The questions involving the difference between a turtle and a tortoise or a crocodile and an alligator have always been puzzling to me.

To my relief, it was slightly different this time. “Dad.. BTW, do you remember your childhood, I mean, ages like 3, 4 and up?"

Err again.. Have my memories solid and vivid on my Math teacher in 3rd grade, who was ridiculously rude, and the fourth grade mate who was a bully king. My back hurts the moment I think about his bicycle kicks on my lower back during e very recess. That apart, I struggle to keep anything at the back of my mind:-)

Not really.. Come to the question, quick.

"Dad.. did your Dad used to kiss you? Hugs and all that?"

Well.. errr.. Can't seem to recollect any acts like that, sans the corporate punishments for my freaky childhood deeds..

"Not really.. Or I don't have the faintest memory of him doing that to me. He might have loved me from the bottom (at least half way down:-) of his heart, but no real hugs or kisses."

"But you know what.. I remember the showers that you used to give me every evening when I was back from school; when I was in KG.. and the ones that continue even now when am 9 and odd.. The warm kisses that followed; I kind of liked it every time." I was lost in thoughts again and went back to sleep, with the realization that the little things that get un-noticed get etched into their minds with picture clarity, and are going to stay sweet forever. They are growing up quick, and our sweet hugs and kisses would soon turn into an adult's appreciation on another. They need to be sweet, timely, explicit and blunt; without being held off:-) because they kind of like it, every time!