Thursday, December 08, 2005

Consumer rights....

i was thinking about the plethora of fitness/wellness/beauty/increase your libido kinda ads proliferating the media, both visual and print, of late.. enhance your good looks to shedding/loosing weight to build/tone your muscles to enhance your sexual performance.. VLCC to viagra and cialis.. body lotions to massage therapies.. yoga to power body building.. see 'before' and 'after' ads... ads of every hue and color you could imagine..

the point is, how many of us really care about these run of the mill shams? i discussed the same with a city based pharma professional.. he vehemently denied the claims in most of these ads.. why should we, as consumers, not react to these bogus and misleading ads? copying the west is outta fashion but why not take a step further, like they do, to take these 'promoters' to court if you dont see the expected results as advertised?

the lacunae for the culprits in india lie in our age old legal system.. am sure the punitive measures generally do not go beyond a Rs.500 penalty.. ludicrous, to say the least.. consumer rights in peril.. let's gang up:-)

so long

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