Sunday, September 16, 2012

Childhood at its best!!

Never seen a picture of late that captures the sheer excitement of childhood that these two snaps do.

These are exactly the moments when we cherish childhood, the sheer fun out of a freaky evening in the beach! Sans the occasional parental sermons (which definitely went to deaf years for sure), they were totally unfettered.

Captivated only by the wild waves, the silky smooth sand that offered all they want - fun and frolic, the little pits they pulled in with waters sprouting out a bit, the incredibly swift little crabies that they chased to their holes, the winds that kissed their foreheads showering all of their love and affection, the surfers out high and low, the setting sun off the horizon, the fights with the mighty waves over and over again until they realize that they are too hard to beat.. These broad smiles, look closer, they come right from the bottom of their hearts! Childhood at its best, and so they stay!

Reason enough to offer more of these for them to cherish for a life, the sweet little memories, the sheer fun out of such freaky evenings.. After all they are growing up sooner into an adult's world, where fun has altogether a different meaning and perspective!


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