Saturday, April 02, 2005

Stories that steal your hearts....

yesterday night, i was reading the Smelly Dog, a Guid Blyton story to my kids.. this has been my habbit for the past few weeks, ever since my daughter's school closed for summer vacation... it was about 11PM and i was almost on nerves to catch up with some sleep after a couple days' misses.. the elder one, my daughter, would never sleep until am through with at least one story from Guid Blyton.. she adores blyton i guess, especially the animated pics, with less yet articulate text, in neat large fonts... the pics are invariably big and colorful...

well, i was half way through the Smelly Dog.. my daughter was all ears and the younger one, my two year old son, was desperately trying to tear off the pages.. occasionally he would throw up random questions which are enough to throw my daughter off her nerves.. a fight starts and would never end unless one of them screams on full throat and runs back to the bed room....

sans the fights, the Smelly Dog was a good story... my daughter was all praise for Splash, the stray dog in the story and Betzy, the little girl who was rescued from drowning in the sea by Splash himself... sympathy, adventure, heroisome, feelings galore..

my daughter thoroughly enjoyed the story.. as usual, it was my turn to throw a few questions, as part of summing up...the younger one was dozing off, with his mouth wide open and shorts stripped half way down... my daughter kept on talking about Betzy and Splash for quite some time, until she too was lost in sleep, with her hands holding me around, her cheeks against my heart.. mama was already half way through.. love and togetherness unlimited:-)

am sure, my kids are gonna remember me for the rest of their lives for all those stories and the interesting characters who steal their hearts:-) papa's delight:-)

so long

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