Monday, April 25, 2005

XLRI Interview..

my XLRI interview for PGCBM is just 15 days ahead.. looks like i gotta brush up from the ground up.. having spent 10 yrs in the IT industry, i am looking forward to an interview centered around my experiences so far, about the companies i worked for, my accomplishments in the work place, the challenges i faced etc... as mundane as it sound.. i also need to work on my eco. and fin basics.. stocks, shares and the functioning of stock markests.. have planned to browse through a few back issues of ET.. reading through the past six months' Yojana would be another idea..

and i have written something called a SoP, my Statement of Purpose, which explained in lucid terms why i would ever need a MBA at this point of my career..i dont think it was bombastic, rather i was being truthful to myself in putting my thoughts on paper.. !

am excited to be at Bangalore after a pretty long time, albeit to face an interview board consisting of eminent faculty from XLRI.. and taking an interview now is cool, bcos i have a job at hand.. if i get through, it is a dream happening.. i know i will do well in the course, however hard the grind is going to be.. it would be a helluva lotta opportunity to leverage on my strong organizational, inter-personal and excellent language (u read it right.. hehe) skills while working with my fellow students coming from diverse educational and professional backgrounds, and the faculty who are experts in their chosen areas..

okay, it is time to wish me good luck... i will write about my interview experiences soon after it happens.. till then, let me have random musings here..

so long

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I saw your XLRi post. Btw have you enrolled for this program? I just need some info on this from you.

I need some information on the interview and the pre requistes for this course.
