Friday, February 10, 2006

Boom in the Job Market..

IT boom and massive hirings??

Yet another boom in the economy fuelling massive intakes in the IT sector.. look around; you would see Job fairs everywhere, put up by stalwarts in the field to smalltime headhunters.. 'We are hiring' signs are ubiquitous scenes everywhere in Bangalore, Chennai and the IT stubs...

What's happening here in Kerala?

I am wondering how much of this happenings have a significant impact in Kerala.. Considering the Engineering graduates and the % of actual hits (those who were/are able to make it in an IT co..)You see the alarming gap.. Now, look at their counter parts in the humanities stream. Despite the BPO boom and the massive hirings there, what % of this is being bagged by graduates from God's own country? I would say it's almost nil..

Campus placements are happening only in a handful of Engineering Colleges, out of a smart figure of 100+.. And the same in arts colleges would be around 4. The only relief came from Progeon, the InfoSys BPO recently recruited from Women's College, Trivandrum.

And the reasons?

How would you explain this happening in India's most literate state? The no. 1 reason would be the inability of our graduates to 'handle' English Language... how many of them can write an essay, without those silch grammar? How many of them can handle a gurelling interview? How many of them can perform in a group interview/group task? You get the answers I guess..

The need of the hour?

A total revamp of our curriculum could solve the problem to a certain extent. There should be language labs in every course. Group excercises, presentations etc. would complement the learning in class rooms.. Soft skills training sessions should be held frequently..

On the placement front, colleges should have proactive placement officers.. They should be well read and industry aware.. They should have good PR and Networking skills.. If you happens to be in a college where the placement officer doesn't have a clue about what BPO is all about, it's time to ask him/her to go brush up their industry fundae:-)

so long

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